Monday, November 28, 2005

Work Bliss

This holiday weekend, we did a bunch of painting around the house. At first, it was kinda tedious -- all that taping so we don't smear the windows, getting the edging done, making sure we cover up the furniture etc... Then as we completed the first room and started the second, I really started to find the 'zone.' So much so, that I really began enjoying the task. In fact, I was starting to feel downright euphoric about it! Woo Hoo! Loooove to paint, baby! Bring it on!

It didn't occur to me until many hours later when I found myself with a splitting headache, that perhaps I should have opened the windows a notch.


Anonymous said...

dang if only you'd finished your degree before you started painting....

Anonymous said...

i changed my name to anonymous - (ano-neemoose) sounds french non? - francecisco

Anonymous said...

Dude, painting sucks, but I know what you mean about "getting in the zone". As I was fixing up my house to get it ready to sell, I found myself actually enjoying it. Me? Enjoy manual labor??? Who'da thunk it???


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