Tuesday, March 20, 2007

99 bottles of beer on the wall...

a bit groggy from driving forever with two kids doing a countdown for 9 hours.


How many hours? 8 hours 45 minutes.
How many hours? 8 hours 42 minutes.
How many...? ZERO. Because this is where you're gettin' off!!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Daylight Savings!

The kiddies did not dig this DST thing at all. For those of you not living in the US, here's the nutshell: Congress passed a resolution to move Daylight Saving Time two weeks forward from where it used to be on the last Sunday in March. This is a bigger change than you think -- after all, the old DST has been around forever. Think how annoying this would have been if you were in charge of the Stonehenge and had to move slabs of carved bedrock forward by an hour.

At any rate, son (7) and daughter (4) were on Stonenge Standard Time, and were in no mood to cooperate with this new DST shift. With all the whine about, we may have been in Napa. Seeing the scores of unhappy faces of parents in the neighborhood, this phenomena was not localized to us.

But as the day went on, my curses toward DST died down, and eventually changed to downright cheers. I now love DST. Why? Because this new DST time hasn't existed before 2007, this means that calendaring apps like Outlook were completely screwed up. Sure, IT issued patches to correct this, but with half the company compliant and the other not (a colleague just installed the Y2K patch last week...), every appointment in my schedule is now suspect. Implications? For the next two weeks I can miss meetings with impunity and blame DST. "Sorry to arrive at work three hours late, boss. DST issues. Outlook told me that it's still 6am."

Friday, March 02, 2007

Baby Advice

Several of our friends, both in and out of work, are having their first child (or children in one case). Because we have two kids, and we drive a juice-box stained minivan, we have street cred. Many ask us what to expect for their first child.

So here's the Pearls of Wisdom we have to offer:

The first one is gonna be a nerve-wracking, everything-is-an-emergency-that-burp-must-mean-something-let's-call-a-doctor, but thereafter it lightens up. For our second, we learned to filter out everything below the Howl of Pain. We sleep much better now.

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